I'm Here Because Running Marketing Doesn't Have To Be Hard.

If you've landed on this site, you're probably an entrepreneur, business owner, or manager looking to boost your marketing profitability.

I've Been Where You Are

Ever felt like you're merely staying afloat in the vast ocean of business, with progress seemingly out of reach? You're not alone.

In my 12-year journey, I've teamed up with a mosaic of businesses, from startups in The Netherlands and Belgium to industry leaders in the UK, US, and Taiwan. These engagements have shaped me as much as they've transformed my partners. With over 450 consultancy sessions, I've curated a treasure trove of real-world insights. 

The foundation of my approach? A blend of general psychology, cognitive behavioural science, and the magic of neuromarketing. Yet, its application remains straightforward: Strategise. Execute. Refine. Progress. 

If the weight of standstill feels all too familiar despite your relentless hustle, know this: I've got your back. Let's pivot from stagnation to clarity-driven growth

Marketing Coaching

Ready for real growth? No fuss, just results.


Not sure if your text is 'finished'? Don't worry, that's what I'm here for.

Real Voices, Genuine Results

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Her expertise helped us tremendously 

We partnered with OMSI for a 7 month in-house consultancy. Facing challenges with ROI and an absent social media presence, her expertise helped us redefine our strategy, boosting our audience engagement phenomenally. Our growth trajectory has never been clearer.

- Uwais A., Department head

Ms. Nameless
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Succesfull global product launch

As an engineer turned entrepreneur, marketing wasn't my strong suit. OMSI ensured a smooth international launch for my brand and product, and curated the perfect marketing team for my vision.

- Wouter H., Owner

Ms. Nameless
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More than a simple Marketing training
When she walked into our office, it was more than just a training: it was like a masterclass combined with a party! She broke down each topic with clear and actionable advice that was relevant to our challenges in marketing!

- Lisanne D., Marketeer

Ms. Nameless
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It was the guiding hand I needed
I was feeling lost and overwhelmed. My sessions with OMSI was a game-changer. She gave me clear direction, actionable advice, and the confidence to lead my team effectively. She actually inspires me to learn to become a better marketer as well.

- Brandi H., Department head

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Take What You Need

Freebies and resources to elevate your game

The Daily Success Journal

Map out your aspirations and transform them into tangible milestones. Every goal, methodically achieved.
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+50 FREE Marketing Tools

The tools I use to get it all done. Imagine, all the best tools right at your fingertips ... everything you need in one place: Plan, design, and execute your marketing campaigns.
Where should we send your guide?

Real Voices, Genuine Results

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Marked improvement in ROI
Her strategies were spot-on for the challenges we faced, and honestly, they've put us way ahead in the Netherlands' recruitment scene. She's been a real asset.

- Halid N., Marketing Manager

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 I learned to transform my fans into customers

With OMSI's brainstorming sessions I've been able to craft unique content ideas that truly resonate with my followers. I also learned strategies to transform that loyal following into genuine customers for my products and event attendees. 

- Cynthia S., Social Media Influencer

Ms. Nameless
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7 new premium clients in a week
Just one session transformed my approach. I revamped my marketing content the very next day and secured 7 new premium clients in a week – something that would have taken me months before! Now clients approach me, saying it's as if I've read their minds!

- Sharmila C. Owner
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 A global strategy that works

Before partnering with OMSI, our marketing was like a ship without a compass—effective but directionless. With her expertise, we've not only set a clear course but have also bolstered our international presence, ensuring a cohesive and resonant message across all regions.

- Joris C., Vice President 

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Learn With OMSI

I believe in making people better in Marketing with the best education and resources.

The Template

Safeguard your campaigns with our comprehensive model release. Ensure legal clarity while unleashing your creative potential.

The Course

My exact blueprint to grow your business with digital marketing by attracting the right people so you can convert visitors to customers. 

What's on my bookshelf?

From business and marketing, to self-development and philosophy.

Gerber's extension of his revolutionary "E-Myth Revisited" resonated deeply with my drive to transform small businesses. By emphasizing the evolution from a start-up to a process-driven model, this book reinforces my belief in the power of systems and the structured growth of businesses. A bible for those like me, who're determined to redefine and elevate the business world.

Hendricks's exploration of the "Upper Limit Problem" hit home. It's more than just a book; it's a mirror reflecting our self-imposed limitations. By spotlighting the transformation into the "Zone of Genius", it reiterates my mission to push both myself and my clients beyond boundaries. A must-read for anyone seeking to upgrade their business mindset.

Greene's detailed dissection of power dynamics is a masterclass in strategy. By understanding the age-old arts of manipulation and dominance, I've been able to weave these insights into my marketing strategies. If you're in the game of influence, as I am, understanding these laws isn't just beneficial—it's essential.

McFadden's The Housemaid was a departure from my usual reads, but its gripping narrative and intricate character dynamics were impossible to put down. While seemingly a world apart from marketing, the story's exploration of trust, secrets, and interpersonal relationships served as a poignant reminder of the human emotions that drive our decisions. A thrilling read that underscores the importance of understanding and tapping into human psychology, an aspect I constantly emphasize in my work.

Kahneman's deep-dive into the inconsistencies of judgment was an eye-opener. In a field where decisions can make or break success, understanding the difference between bias and noise has been invaluable. This book has shaped my approach, ensuring that I make clearer, more consistent decisions for optimal results.